In one of the feature, we had to import xlsx
which was exported from sqlite
database dump. The rows had few image names which was uploaded to sftp
server. We had to upload those to images on S3.
Importing xlsx
row data was simple but the challenge was how to upload images from sftp
server to S3. This is where net-sftp gem came to our rescue (though its not managed anymore).
To get this working, we need 4 things: host
, username
and password
using which we are going to login to sftp
server and path
where images are uploaded.
We can login to sftp
server using Net::SFTP.start(host, username, password: password){ |sftp| ... }
and to download files/images, we can use!(uploaded_path)
(This is nicely explained in gem documentation)
We wrote following code to upload images from sftp
to S3:
Net::SFTP.start(host, username, password: password) do |sftp|
# documents\_array is the array of file/images names
documents\_array.each do |document|
uploaded\_path = "/db/uploaded_files/#{document}"
S3QueuedUpload.where(path: path\_to\_upload\_on\_s3).
puts %(Reconnect)
NOTE: S3QueuedUpload
is the model which saves image/file data in binary format which in turn is uploaded to S3 via background job. You can also upload files directly to S3 instead of saving file to a model and then uploading it via background.
Hope this helps.