The plus point of having test environment is that we can test our whole application in a different dedicated environment without any manual efforts. Technically, it involves views, controller methods, request/response, routes, models(callbacks, validations, etc.)

There are few scenarios in which we'd require to test after_commit changes.The application which manipulates data majorly in after_commit callback could cause issues in test environment thus causing it to fail.

The problem is that the after_commit callback is never fired in rspec if we use transactional fixtures.

-> What is transactional_fixtures ?

-> ActiveRecord’s fixtures, will, by default, rollback everything that was done on the database during the method in question, unless you set (self.use_transactional_fixtures = false). Herein, if active_record is rolledback, after_commit isn't fired.

In case, if we desire to use transactional fixtures, there are multiple ways to achieve this:

  1. We need to trigger after_commit callback manually via ar_object.run_callbacks(:after_commit)
  2. There are gems which would hook up the after_commit callback as soon as transaction is committed. Bundling this gem would do run after_commit callback automatically without any manual trigger.

    Gems like [ar_after_transaction][1] ,

    [test_after_commit][2] , etc.

Here is the blog which further gives other ways to achieve this: