Rohansingh Pujari
Passionate Ruby on Rails developer. Like to play chess in free time
is now part of
In software development you are destined to deal with lots of code that is not written by you. What would be more stressful than debugging the code that you barely understand. You might have been in the situation where you have been assigned a bug and you have to traverse through lots of file which you have no idea of, just get to root cause of the issue. Being in these situations many times, I have learned few tips and tricks for debugging and would like to share it here. **Checking where the method causing a problem exists.** In some
Recently building few microservices and apps in Elixir and deploying it to heroku, we realised that heroku was not very cost effective for us and also we can't get into every nuts and bolt of how heroku manages our app. As a part of learning things related to deploying to our own server and to save some bucks we decided to look for other options and we decided to experiment deploying one of our app to Digital ocean. One thing we were worried about, was whether we can make deployment as easy as heroku makes it for us. After some
Recently I was looking at various ways to create a constants in Elixir. I come from ruby background, where it is very easy to create and think of constant. You can create constant by assigning a value to constant name. Constant name should begin with capital letter in ruby. Concept of constant is bit twisted in ruby as we can reassign constant to different value. I_AM_CONSTANT = "though i can be reassigned :)" Ohh! Just remembered this is a post about Elixir and not Ruby. Being in love with Ruby, I can't stop talking about it. I guess
Ruby is too dynamic. We can do almost anything in runtime, from creating the classes at runtime to creating methods dynamically. If you are coming from some other language, it would be shocking for you too know that nothing is private in ruby. You can access private and protected method from anywhere you want. You can call this a flexibility or a curse. But a smart developer knows when to utilize the power of extreme flexibility that Ruby provides and when to stay away from it. Is this all Ruby can do in terms of flexibility? Definitely not. Ruby have
Web app had heavily evolved from times when web app was just meant to display some data using markup languages. There was a time when every software needed to be installed in every machine that want to use the software. Improvement in server side technologies, browsers and internet speed have fueled the phenomena of SAAS (Software As A Service). The rule of building a software has changed drastically. Most of the software that are developed today is developed by considering "use from any machine at anytime philosophy". There is a boom in SAAS market. More and more SAAS