How to configure FluentValidation in .NET WebAPI via Dependency Injection?
This blog explains how to wire up FluentValidation with Ninject Dependency Injection.
How to Boost Documents Using Freshness Function in Azure Search?
This article helps you to know about Freshness Function and how it can help to boost documents in Azure Search.
Everything You Need to Know About Boosting Documents with Weighted Fields in Azure Search
This article explains everything about Boosting Documents with Weighted Fields in Azure Search.
Deep Search with Azure Search
Efficient & robust search functionality is a necessity of any software application, may it be web, mobile, or desktop. It's a "must" to improve user experience (UX) and adoption. The search feature may seem very simple to a user but its very complex and challenging behind the scene to implement especially deep search. For one of our web applications, we had a challenging requirement to add several nested filters on search result pages. The primary data was sourced through Azure search on these web pages. In this article, I am sharing our learnings about Azure search and the power of
Asynchronous Programming in C#
NowDays, In .NET world asynchronous programming went on to a next level and became more popular with the help of new keywords i.e async and await in C#. Recently we were using Async Await keyword while writing unit test cases in our project and found various issues in using them correclty. As users, we prefer applications which respond quickly and do not freeze when loading or processing data. While we are less patient with applications that keep us waiting. Even operating systems are becoming more responsive, and give you the option to terminate such misbehaving processes. If you have
Client Side Validation with Knockout.JS
Nobody can stop your users from entering data that doesn’t make sense to your code. You will desperately need a quality validation on it. Today I’d like to show you a way to achieve it on the client side by evaluating some of the existing approaches. But before that, there might be few flies flying in your mind and you might be asking to yourself that is the client really where validation should occur?. Why Do Client Side Validation? To be clear, back-end validation should always be done, and protections on the database level like unique indexes should
Declarative Programming in TypeScript with Decorators
To start with, Annotations are an example of declarative programming in action. Rather than write out the procedural code to make something happen everywhere you need it, you write the code once and then declare (through an annotation) where you want that code to be run. You may not have to even write a lines of the code: It might be part of the framework code runs inside of. It's a great way to handle crosscutting concerns (things that are needed in many places in the application but not in every place). It sounds like the way that attributes are
Proxy pattern
Before start to explain, I Know some of you might have greater experience about this word Proxy. what does this really means? Let me explain it through simple example, In our school days when class teacher used to take class attendance and if we found some of our friend missing then we still used to hear from back "yes madam" even though the person called is missing in the class. That is nothing but a proxy attendance, It means answering on behalf of someone and you all know if the proxy person caught up then...........:) Oh,sorry so