The web is a weird place. You go to sleep thinking that you have a perfectly functional web application and the next day when you wake up, you might find yourself staring at a sudden huge spike in the number of requests. Either your app got popular overnight or you were just a victim of a DOS attack trying to bring your app server down. Usually, it's the latter.

There are some popular gems like rack-attack and rack-throttle which work quite well and provides a lot of flexibility. But if you're looking to write your custom logic with minimum dependencies, then continue reading.

We will create a middleware that intercepts and blocks any host which tries to overload our servers by firing too many requests within a short timespan. We will be using Redis to store the count of requests from each IP address.

Let's start by writing the most basic middleware.

# app/lib/middlewares/custom_rate_limit.rb
class CustomRateLimit
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)

Add the following line inside your application.rb:

# For Rails version > 5
config.middleware.use CustomRateLimit

If you're using Rails version lesser than 5, add the following:

# For Rails version < 5
config.middleware.use 'CustomRateLimit'

Run the bin/rails middleware command and verify that our custom middleware is present in the middleware stack.
In case you run into an error saying uninitialized constant ::CustomRateLimit, add the below line at the top of your application.rb:

require_relative '../lib/middlewares/custom_rate_limit'

Now, let's install the redis gem by adding it to our Gemfile.

gem 'redis'

Also, ensure that you have the Redis server installed on your local system. If not, install it by following the steps mentioned here.

Note: As Redis is an in-memory database, it's state is not persistent. In other words, if your redis server were to go down due to an outage, you'd lose your data. By default, Redis saves snapshots of the dataset on the disk, in a binary file called dump.rdb. Refer redis persistence for more details.

To initialize redis in your app, add the following file inside the config/initializers:

# config/initializers/redis.rb
require 'redis'


For development environment, the value of REDIS_URL will be redis://localhost:6379.

Now, let's edit our middleware and add some logic.

def call(env)
  if should_allow?(env)

The should_allow? function will look something like this:

def should_allow?(env)
  key = "IP:#{env['action_dispatch.remote_ip']}"

  REDIS.set(key, 0, nx: true, ex: TIME_PERIOD)
  REDIS.incr(key) > LIMIT ? false : true

We will use the user's IP address as the key and store the request count as the value.
The Redis#set method will set the record in the redis store. We will pass it the following arguments:

  1. key - a unique identifier, which in this case will be the user's IP address
  2. value - sets the value against the given key
  3. ex - sets the expiry time in seconds
  4. nx - sets the key only if it doesn't already exist

On every request, we increment the count using Redis#incr. If the count exceeds the predefined limit, we return false.

Define the constants in the same file and update the values as per your needs.

TIME_PERIOD = 60 # no. of seconds
LIMIT = 20 # no. of allowed requests per IP for unauthenticated user

If you are using Warden based authentication like Devise, and don't want to throttle authenticated requests, add the following guard condition to the should_allow? function.

return true if env['rack.session']['warden.user.user.key'].present?

This will allow all authenticated requests to pass through without any rate limits.

The request_quota_exceeded method will look something like this:

def request_quota_exceeded
  [ 429, {}, ['Too many requests fired. Request quota exceeded!'] ]

The HTTP status code 429 indicates Too Many Requests to the server in a given period.

Our middleware will finally look something like this:

# lib/middlewares/custom_rate_limit.rb
class CustomRateLimit
  TIME_PERIOD = 60 # no. of seconds
  LIMIT = 20 # no. of allowed requests per IP for unauthenticated user

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    if should_allow?(env)

  def should_allow?(env)
    return true if env['rack.session']['warden.user.user.key'].present?

    key = "IP:#{env['action_dispatch.remote_ip']}"

    REDIS.set(key, 0, nx: true, ex: TIME_PERIOD)
    REDIS.incr(key) > LIMIT ? false : true

  def request_quota_exceeded
    [ 429, {}, ['Too many requests fired. Request quota exceeded!'] ]

Hope this blog was helpful.
Thank you!

Redis commands
Basic Rate Limiting