webdriverio Blogs
Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
As mentioned in our previous article, we have a wdio-based automation project. We utilized Chrome v108 for our end-to-end functional automation testing. However, given the current browser version being > v115 and since Chrome For Testing was available for Chrome version >= v115, we decided it would be beneficial to upgrade to Chrome For Testing (CFT) in our automation project. Since the introduction of Google's Chrome For Testing, a new Chrome flavor that specifically targets web app testing and automation use cases, in browser automation, it has emerged as the top choice for conducting automated browser tasks. What is CFT?
This blog helps to configure visual regression testing using wdio-image-comparison-service.
Ever since WebdriverIO got launched, major companies adopted this tool for automation. It became popular very fast due to its powerful advantages. Since the launch, there have been lots of changes and improvements being made to the tool. In this article, we'll be discussing one of the improvements that have really helped us in writing automation scripts in async mode. WebdriverIO is asynchronous by nature. Earlier, WebdriverIO used to provide the ability to run commands in sync mode using node-fibers. However, due to some breaking changes in Chromium, WebdriverIO discontinued the support for sync mode. Please refer Sync vs. Async