Just found that I couldn't do zeus c test for a test environment console
Here's a workaround or small hack to do this
On your console do
zeus init
This will create two files
zeus.json custom_plan.rb
Add this snippet to your custom_plan.rb and define the tasks for Zeus. Mine looks like this:
require 'zeus/rails' class CustomPlan < Zeus::Rails def default_bundle_with_test_env ::Rails.env = 'test' ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' default_bundle end def test_server server end def test_console console end def test_rake prerake rake end end
Edit zeus.json to include only the tasks for which you’ll use Zeus. Mine looks like this:
{ "command": "ruby -rubygems -r./custom_plan -eZeus.go", "plan": { "boot": { "default_bundle": { "development_environment": { "prerake": {"rake": []}, "runner": ["r"], "console": ["c"], "server": ["s"], "generate": ["g"], "destroy": ["d"], "dbconsole": [] }, "test_environment": { "cucumber_environment": {"cucumber": []}, "test_helper": {"test": ["rspec", "testrb"]}, "test_server": ["ts"], "test_rake": ["tr"], "test_console": ["tc"] } } } } }
Reference [improving-rails-boot-time-with-zeus][1]
[1]: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/40193452558/improving-rails-boot-time-with-zeus