Navigating Chrome Upgrades Beyond Version 115: CFT and Real Browser Testing Explained

As mentioned in our previous article, we have a wdio-based automation project. We utilized Chrome v108 for our end-to-end functional automation testing. However, given the current browser version being > v115 and since Chrome For Testing was available for Chrome version >= v115, we decided it would be beneficial to upgrade to Chrome For Testing (CFT) in our automation project. Since the introduction of Google's Chrome For Testing, a new Chrome flavor that specifically targets web app testing and automation use cases, in browser automation, it has emerged as the top choice for conducting automated browser tasks. What is CFT?

Optimizing CircleCI Configuration: Minimize config.yml size with Dynamic Configuration

We have a wdio-based automation project that does end-to-end functional testing. We use CircleCI as the CI/CD tool to run automation regression. When setting up a project with CircleCI, we need to enter all configuration details in the config.yml file under the .circleci folder. Earlier, we only had staging regression and prod regression jobs and their respective workflows in the config.yml file. As mentioned in this article, we also started doing screenshot testing for our application. With time, our configuration file expanded and became cluttered, accommodating various workflows like staging sanity, staging regression, prod regression, performance score

Selenium 4 CDP Integration With Capybara

Let's explore how we can use Chrome Dev Tools Protocols(CDP) with Capybara. We will look at headers, cookies, and cache manipulation using CDP

Embedding of Scenario Outline with Data Table in Cucumber

Let's look at how to reduce the complexity of the automation script by combining the cucumber Data table and the scenario outline.