When we search for "Android Development in Kotlin," we come across many articles about Getting Rid of NullPointerException, Smart Type Casts, Complete Interoperability With Java, etc.; however, there are a handful of articles that list down advance and handy Kotlin functions. These functions make development simpler & more manageable. Kotlin offers a very concise and intuitive syntax; hence it helps to avoid the boilerplate code. Kotlin's standard library has become powerful with advanced in-built methods.
Therefore I thought to pen down the most useful, commonly required, and less talked Kotlin standard library functions. Let's dig deeper and find the hidden properties of Kotlin.

Kotlin is more concise. Rough estimates indicate approximately a 40% cut in the number of lines of code.
- Kotlin Document

Pair & Triple:
Have you ever thought that a function could return more than two values without using the map, model, or data class? No, not at all! But, with the help of `Pair` and `Triple` classes, this isn't a pain anymore. We can have a method that can return up to three elements:

Destructuring Declarations:
Destructuring declaration is the easiest way to create variables & initialize all of them in a single line of code:

Daily we deal with many functionalities where it's required to manipulate the strings. Earlier to avail various String functions in Android, we had no option other than integrating the Apache Common library, as Android's TextUtils class doesn't provide many functionalities. However, Kotlin offers a variety of functions that helps to tweak and trick the output as per the requirement. Let's take a look at a few of Kotlin's in-built useful methods that save us from writing lengthy logics to achieve a requirement:

Range is a very cool feature in Kotlin that helps create a list of a sequence by specifying the start & end of the range. It also provides functionality to define range interval & find an item's existence, e.g., find whether the current date lies in the range or not:

A traditional way of dealing with collections used to be iterating over collections, and this looping requires a lot of boilerplate. Java Stream APIs provide the flexibility to filter the collection elements with less code, but Android has limitations. Below Android 24, we need to be dependent on third-party libraries or desugaring support.
The collections in Kotlin have surprised us with a vast set of functions. Kotlin has both mutable & immutable types of collections. Mutable collections can be modified, whereas immutable collections are read-only. In the below code snippet, I have grouped and listed some useful methods offered in the Kotlin language.

1. Get common, distinct, combine or flatten elements of the list:

2. Get a particular element from list/map:

3. Modify list data into chunks or group arrays:

4. Modify & print list data:

5. Copy the array elements:

6. Sort, shuffle & filter the list:

7. Apart from commonly used aggregate functions like average(), sum(), sumOf{}, count(), Kotlin provides reduce() & fold() that sequentially apply the mentioned operation to the collection elements & returns the accumulated result:

Tip for the Android versions prior SDK 24:
Although Java 8 & higher versions provide advanced in-built methods, however for compatibility with lower Android versions we need to rely on backport dependencies or third-party libraries like Java 8+ API Desugaring Support, Lightweight-Stream-API or Stream, Apache Common APIs, etc.

I hope this article helped you.
I have attempted to provide a one-line description of each method to make it easy to learn & explore. This blog scratches the surface of Kotlin's standard library functions. Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you!

Kotlin Documentation
Use Java 8+ features and APIs