cors Blogs
Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
This article shows the very basic application set up required to host a rails application with Angular 5 framework Angular - Is a modern javascript framework for building web application in javascript,html and type script(super script of javascript) Such kind of working will have two separate servers. One server will be hosting rails part and the second server will be hosting the angular part. The HTTP request raised will have a different origin header, than that of the server hosted, and hence the request will fail. A cross-origin HTTP request (CORS) is used when the request is raised
URL previews are a way of organizing the URLs in the textarea in such a way that the URL is visible in a more organized way to the user instead of a just plain link. The plain URL makes no sense most of the time because of the advent of URL shorteners. With the increasing usage of social media websites and social media share plugins it becomes very difficult to identify spammy and non-spammy posts on the internet and with URL previews we could help such websites differentiate on our apps by showing URL previews every time someone shares a