scoping Blogs
Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
In Rails, multiple scopes can be created and chained together. What if we wish to apply a specific scope to a group of queries? Consider the following scenario: we have Post and Comment models and we want to perform few operations on public posts. # app/models/post.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base scope :public, -> { where(private: false) } endLoading development environment (Rails 7.0.0.alpha2) 3.0.0 :001 > Post.public.update_all(body: 'public post') Post Update All (4.1ms) UPDATE "posts" SET "body" = ? WHERE "posts"."private" = ? [["body", "public post"], ["private", 0]] 3.0.0
We were debugging one issue in our application which was caching the scope we had in where clause for first_or_create in model callbacks - and found one interesting issue - Theconditions in the where clause were cached in after_create callback if we use where().first_or_create, please check example below - Example: Contact.where(first_name: 'Kiprosh').first_or_create Contact Model: after_create :sanitize def sanitize Contact.where(creator_id: 123).solr_index end This should fire Contact.where(creator_id: 123) but instead fires Contact.where(first_name: 'Kiprosh', creator_id: 123) On further