The DateFormatter help in the conversion between dates and textual representations.

For example :-
If you are working on the project and you are dealing with date or time to show in your app screen, the date or time format you receive is different from the format you want to display. Let say you got the date in "2017-11-15" and you need to display on screen as "15 November, 2017" so DateFormatter help us for conversion in the format as we want to display.

Now let's see some more example for date and time conversion.

Let assume we have the date in "2017-11-15" format and now we will see how we change the date in "15 November, 2017".

    let originalDate = "2017-11-15"
    var newDate = ""
    let dateformatter = DateFormatter()
    dateformatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    let convertStringToDate = originalDate)
    dateformatter.dateFormat = "dd MMMM, yyyy"
    newDate = dateformatter.string(from: convertStringToDate!)

Output :-
enter image description here

Now, let's customise the date in "15 Nov, 2017". For this you need to change only one line from the above code

dateformatter.dateFormat = "dd MMM, yyyy"

Output :-
enter image description here

If you don't want to customise your date style, you can use default dateStyle property provided by apple and display the date like.
eg :-

dateformatter.dateStyle = .long

Output :-
enter image description here

For short date style you can use

dateformatter.dateStyle = .short

Output :-
enter image description here

For full date with day of the week you can use

dateformatter.dateStyle = .full

Output :-
enter image description here

For medium date style you can use

dateformatter.dateStyle = .medium

Output :-
enter image description here