ember Blogs
Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
In this article, we will look into what are Ember Composable Helpers and how are those useful but before that let's have a look at what are helpers in Ember.js What is a Helper?Helpers in Ember.js can be module or function that provides templates with the ability to have additional functionality. They help in formatting the data as required by the template. ExampleLet's consider an example: We have a list of arrays of movies as given below: /** This is an array of objects of movies **/ const movies=[ { name:"Joker", isSuccessful:true }, { name:"Titanic", isSuccessful:true }, { name:"The
While working with any application, testing plays most important role. Data is main requirement for writing proper test cases. We need different kind of data to test complex features and here factories plays important role. Data factory is blueprint that allows us to create an object, or a collection of objects, with predefined set of values. Factories makes it easy for us to define different kind of data. In rails or ember we create model object to write test cases. In rails many of us use FactoryGirl to create such test data using factories. Same way ember has FactoryGuy. Ember's
This is part 2 of 'How does Ember Boot?'. If you haven't read 'How does Ember Boot?' part 1 you might consider reading it first. In the last article our main focus was Ember.Application which is sort of static part of Ember boot process. Now we will look into didBecomeReady() and Ember.ApplicationInstance. Which deals with initialization and creation of instances. Ember.Application is called only once but Ember.ApplicationInstance can be n number of times based on number of requests for the instance. In Ember each app instance maintains their own registry/container, so they will
I will be showing the steps Ember takes to startup before you start seeing your page rendered in the browser. There is a lot of steps and packages involved in this process but I'll try to make it as simple and compact as possible. Following snippet shows the steps in brief which I will be explaining in detail as we proceed. Ember has evolved from being the SproutCore 2.0 framework to a modern trusted Javascript framework used by major tech companies like Apple, LinkedIn and Vine, ever since it was born. It was developed by a Rails developer Yehuda
I was facing an issue while working on one of my Ember Apps. Issue was like, Ember data store was not updating the record after receiving the response from backend. So whenever user visit the page, it was showing the old data of that record from Ember-Data store. After some searching I found that Ember-data by default doesn't re-request data that is already present in Ember-data store. If parent route's model has loaded an array of objects then the child route that requires specific object will not make another request. In such case we can force reload the record. this.