Athira Kadampatta
Senior Software Engineer at Kiprosh.com
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Rails 7.1 supports infinite ranges that can be used with Active Record length and inclusivity validators.
Rails 7 onward zeitwerk mode completely replaces classic autoloader thereby resolving the flaws of classic autoloader
Rails 7.1 introduces a method authenticate_by, used with has_secure_password to prevent timing-based enumeration attacks.
Rails framework is famous for developers' happiness and making things simpler due to its magic, provided developers follow proper conventions. To extend this magic and to make things simple further, Rails 7 has introduced a change with this PR after which, inverse_of would be inferred automatically for model associations having scopes. In this article, we'll dive into understanding it with examples. Let's say we have a Project model with many assigned tasks. # app/models/project.rb class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tasks, -> { assigned } end # app/models/task.rb class Task < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
Rails 7 allows to fetch data from multiple databases for a has_many/has_one:through association using the disabled_joins option.
We had previously talked about the Serialization formats and How Serialization is implemented for storing objects in the relational database in the first two parts of the blog series. This article focuses on the various Serializers that prepare and construct API transferable data in Ruby on Rails.
Rails framework allows complex objects to be stored in a DB column via the ActiveRecord::Serialization module. This article explains when and how to do it
It was the day we were moving. I was observing how the "Packers and Movers" professionals packed our furniture. For example, the King size bed shown below had to be accommodated within a space of about 6-7 inches inside a van. While I kept wondering how they'd manage this, they dismantled the bed. And in went the camel through the needle's eye very neatly. That's when I realized the computing world is not very different from the real world. They dismantled the bed for transportation and then reassembled at the destination. Similarly, in the computing world, we deconstruct objects or
When we are about to test a dynamic API request via Postman and realize that we need to pass a freshly generated signature in the headers, what do we generally do? For each request, we generate the signature using server-side code and copy-paste it in the headers. Sounds like a tedious job, doesn’t it? We faced a similar situation in our application where we had to pass a signature in the headers while testing an API. The signature was generated by encoding all the request parameters using the user's secret key. If any of the request parameters changed, we