There are many team messaging apps available in the market, but Slack is not only preferred for its simplicity but also for a wide variety of Slack apps. Slack apps make our lives a lot easier if designed carefully.
We use Trello to create our Storyboards and track issues. Trello has excellent Slack app which helps us add and organize our cards and boards very easily.
This helps us manage Trello right from our chat app, No more app/browser tab switching at least for Trello. There are a lot of other examples like Google Drive integration which lets us grant permission to view some file to someone else, right in the Slack.
At Kiprosh, we use an in-house task management tool, in addition to Trello, which is written in Elixir language and Pheonix framework. We heavily use this in-house tool to collaborate with our team members across various projects. This tool helps us to stay on track with our daily plan (example: accomplishments, help needed and meetings). We decided to write Slack integration for our in-house tool to collaborate more effectively and save a lot of time on context switching.
Coming from Ruby on Rails background, it was natural to first look for existing or built-in libraries, instead of re-inventing the wheel. We found this Elixir/Slack library noteworthy.
I have split this blog post into following sections to help set appropriate direction and to make it easy to follow.
- Slack Authentication.
- Using Elixir-Slack plugin to establish a connection with Slack and linking requests with Trackive users.
- Creating supervisor process to handle Slack connection independently.
- Creating Slack bot commands.
- Disconnecting User after Slack bot removal.
1. Slack Authentication
To get started with creating a Slack app, we will need to signup to slack and create a dummy workspace to test our app. This is all very well documented by Slack on this page.
- First, create a dummy workspace
- Create a slack app from this page
- After creating the Slack app, you will get a client ID and client secret
which we will be using for developing the Slack app.
Now that we have registered our app on Slack we need to register the user wanting to use our app to Slack. This can be done by going to
Manage Distributions Page
. You should be able to seeAdd to Slack
button which we will use to embed in our HTML page. This will grant our Slack app, access to user's workspace. In return, users will be able to access this App inside their workspace. -
Once the Slack authorizes user's request to use an App, the user is redirected back to one of our server URI. This is done by setting
Redirect URLs
in "OAuth and Permission" page. Also, we can pass this redirect URL along with Slack authorization URL so the URL is verified by Slack and post-authorization we are sent to that URL -
When a user is redirected to our server endpoint, Slack also provides us with unique access token which is used as an identifier by Slack to recognize our App. This access token has appropriate permissions associated with it based on the type of 'scope' request that we sent while requesting for authorization. So our authorization request looks like this
In the above URL,
It tells what type of permission we are requesting from Slack. You can read more about this here -
This is the id you generated while creating a Slack app. -
Post Slack authorization, this is the place Slack will point and grantaccess_token
. This must be the place you save user's access token so that you could access the user workspace everytime you want to communicate with the Slack. If you do not save this access token you'll need to authorize your request again and will need to generate access token again. Also, you need to make sure your access token is stored safely as it will be a gateway to misuse user's workspace information. We make ours ashttp://localhost:4000/api/v1/auth/slack
This can be some extra information you want to supply for extra security per-user authorization. Slack says:
The state parameter should be used to avoid forgery attacks by passing in a value that's unique to the user you're authenticating and checking it when auth completes.
All these can be found in depth on this page:
2. Using Elixir-Slack plugin to establish a connection with Slack
Now we have an access token, we are ready to establish the connection with Slack. We are going to use Elixir-Slack plugin to establish and manage connection from Elixir to Slack and vice versa. You can learn more about it on Elixir/Slack GitHub page.
If you check of Elixir-Slack plugin, you'll see we are required to run
Slack.Bot.start_link(SlackRtm, [], "TOKEN_HERE")
to set the token values. This is exactly where we left in the authorization section. You might be wondering what all code sits inside controller ofhttp://localhost:4000/api/v1/auth/slack
, so here we are with the answer.Controller code will have:
sent during authorization request(yes, you guessed it right, evenstate
is sent back along withaccess_token
). If sent from the request while authorization, else move to next step. -
Save the
granted by slack in the DB (you can encrypt this to make it extra safe). -
Then we use the
to establish the connection with Slack using Elixir/Slack. It uses Slack RTM API.
Also to do this we'll need to set our config for Slack as follows:
# config/config.exs
config :slack,
client_id: System.get_env("SLACK_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret: System.get_env("SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET"),
root_url: System.get_env("SLACK_ROOT_URL")
Our controller looks like:
# web/controllers/slack_auth_controller.ex
def request(conn, %{"provider" => _provider, "code" => code, "state" => _state}) do
#1 fetch details using Slack.Web.Oauth.html#access
slack_details = get_slack_details(code)
#2 if Slack return "ok" status and has no errors save the information in database
if !slack_details["error"] && slack_details["ok"] do
case BotHelper.insert_bot_settings(slack_details) do
{:ok, changeset} ->"Registered Slack user #{slack_details["user_id"]}")
{:error, changeset} ->"Bot for this user already started")
#3 redirect user to Slack workspace post auth success.
redirect(conn, external: "https://#{domain}")
#3 there was some error in the authorization of Slack token, redirect user with 401":error Slack reponded with : \n#{inspect(slack_details["error"])}")
|> put_status(401)
|> json(%{
message: "Slack error: #{inspect(slack_details["error"])}"
def get_slack_account_details(code) do
if slack_setup_successful?() do
root_url = Application.get_env(:slack, :root_url)
client_id = Application.get_env(:slack, :client_id)
client_secret = Application.get_env(:slack, :client_secret)"slack redirect url: #{root_url}")
Slack.Web.Oauth.access(client_id, client_secret, code, %{redirect_uri: root_url})
defp slack_setup_successful?() do
Application.get_env(:slack, :root_url) && Application.get_env(:slack, :client_id) &&
Application.get_env(:slack, :client_secret)
Slack.Web.Oauth.access is used to generate an API token from
if Slack returns "ok" status
- Check if the user already in DB and Slack connection is established
- If not, save all details in the DB and start the connection. This is done using
method. Check /managing-slack-workspace-credentials-using-slack-bot-secret-key-and-id/ - If yes, inform the user
- If not, save all details in the DB and start the connection. This is done using
- Check if the user already in DB and Slack connection is established
Inform the user about the error
Now that the connection is established, we need to test if our Slack app is able to send the messages to the workspace and works correctly. To do that,you must have a file which handles RTM connection. If you read Elixir-Slack, we have
module which does exactly this. So createSlackRtm
with the following codedefmodule SlackRtm do use Slack alias SlackCommands require Logger def handle_connect(slack, state) do"Connected as #{}") {:ok, state} end def handle_event(message = %{type: "message"}, slack, state) do #1 check type of message incoming from Slack message = handle_message_subtypes(message) #2 check if the request is specific to our App/Bot and prevent responding to self-messages if bot_request?(message, slack) do"Incoming message for Bot.... \n#{inspect(message)}") text = String.replace(message.text, ~r{“|”}, "\"") message = message |> Map.put(:text, text) #3 use regex to match input and reply with appropriate response. SlackCommands.reply(message, slack) end {:ok, state} end def handle_event(_, _, state), do: {:ok, state} def handle_info({:message, text, channel}, slack, state) do"Sending message from handle_info") send_message(text, channel, slack) {:ok, state} end def handle_info(_, _, state), do: {:ok, state} defp handle_message_subtypes(data)do # handles text edits if data[:subtype] == "message_changed" do data |> Map.put(:user, data.message.user) |> Map.put(:text, data.message.text) else data end end defp bot_request?(message, slack) do # is a message for bot only if the message contains text else it is some other command like deleting a message. if message[:text] && message[:user] do mentioned_user_id = message.text |> String.split(["<", "@", ">"], trim: true) |> mentioned_user_id == && != message.user else false end end end
Here I have created a separate module for handling Slack incoming requests as
. It basically pattern matches the input string and supplies appropriate response. -
Coming back to code, here file is taken as it is from Elixir/Slack, so we won't go into details of each method. We will focus on
First check the type of incoming message. Slack sends all the messages to us from any channel in which logged in user has invited this Bot, so we would first want to filter out the messages to focus on request specific to our App. Also when we edit our message in Slack then the request is sent with
data[:subtype] == "message_changed"
and text is sent in a different format. So we make sure that handle_eventmessage
map is consistent each time and we haveuser
keys available in any case. So usehandle_message_subtypes
to returnmessage
map in formatted form. You can learn more about message subtypes here -
As we discussed that we need to filter out the requests by checking if the request has text and user, only then we will be sure that incoming message is text request arriving from Slack app. We first check if incoming request text has our Slack app mentioned in it. So for text
@slack_bot how are you
we extract@slack_bot
which is sent as<@SLACK_BOT_ID>
in the Slack API response, so we extract SLACK_BOT_ID which ismentioned_user_id
here and check if id matches our Slack app. Our Slack app info is stored inslack
. So we checkmentioned_user_id ==
. Then we check who is the originator of the message by matchingmessage.user
which is the id of the user
which is the app's user id. This will ensure we do not send the request to our selves in any case. != message.user
Once we have verified if the request is correct and is intended for our the app, we proceed with processing the input and send appropriate output. We
do that inSlackCommands.reply
this command will send the appropriate response. This can be a help command or request to add new data, update existing data, delete one etc.
So here we learned how to establish a connection between Elixir App and Slack API, to respond to the user requests. Now we will move on to learn how to make this connection stable and crash-proof. We will learn, how to make the Slack app supervisor and make sure it restarts when the crash happens, in the next section.
3. Creating supervisor process to handle Slack connection independently
Now the most tricky part of this was to make the Slack app Fault-tolerance. By Fault-tolerance, I mean it should not halt the whole system when it crashes and also it should manage to restart in such case because no one will want a Slack app which doesn't stay online all the time. Also, auto-restart is required because we will not be available to monitor its online presence all the time and can't restart it instantly unless someone tells us or we notice that the app is offline. So we need it to auto-restart when something crashes.
We can do that by creating another Supervisor process under the main Supervisor tree and that will make this connection independent of our main Supervisor process. So we create a new Supervisor for each connection we make with the workspace.
Our flow for this looks like
MyApp.Application -> MyApp.Bot -> MyApp.BotSupervisor
(where my_app is the name of our app) file looks like# lib/my_app.ex defmodule MyApp do use Application def start(_type, _args) do import Supervisor.Spec Envy.load([".env"]) Envy.reload_config() children = [ supervisor(MyApp.Repo, []), supervisor(MyApp.Endpoint, []), #1. Initialize Bot in main Supervisor proccess as child. #2. Tell main supervisor to monitor Child supervisor MyApp.Bot. #3. Assign it a name as `Slack.Supervisor` supervisor(MyApp.Bot, [], id: :slack_bot, name: Slack.Supervisor) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do MyApp.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed) :ok end end
# lib/my_app/bot.ex defmodule MyApp.Bot do use Application use GenServer import Logger alias MyApp.{Repo, SlackWorkspaces} @delay 90_000 def start(_, state), do: {:ok, state} #2 start_link calls the process which in turn calls init() def start_link do, GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, #3 init method will keep starting the Slack app for particular workspace after # @delay time, if it is not started or crashed def init(state) do poll(100) {:ok, state} end #4 handle_info is called when `send(pid, message)` is called, # It is called by `poll()` method def handle_info(:start_bots, state) do, start_bots(state) # start Slack process for all the workspaces if not started else ignores defp start_bots(_state) do process_ids = start_all_bots() poll() {:noreply, process_ids} end # tries to start the Slack process after `delay` interval for workspaces # whose processes are not active (crashed or newly registered) defp poll(delay \\ @delay) do, Process.send_after(self(), :start_bots, delay) # fetches all the SlackWorkspaces and start Supervisor for each of them if # it is not already started defp start_all_bots() do SlackWorkspaces |> Repo.all() |> bot -> atomized_name = String.to_atom(bot.team_name) processes = if :erlang.whereis(atomized_name) == :undefined do"Starting Slack bot for following team: #{bot.team_name}") MyApp.BotSupervisor.start_link(bot) end processes end) end end
# lib/my_app/boot_supervisor.ex defmodule MyApp.BotSupervisor do import Logger use GenServer alias MyApp.Repo def child_spec(team_info) do %{ id: __MODULE__, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [team_info]}, type: :supervisor } end # initializes the Genserver and init() is invoked after this def start_link(team_info) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, team_info, name: String.to_atom(team_info.team_name)) end # start Slack Bot using `start_link` and monitor its errors def init(team_info) do Slack.Bot.start_link(MyApp.SlackRtm, team_info, team_info.bot_access_token) |> handle_errors(team_info) end defp handle_errors({:ok, _} = response, team) do"Worker running for #{team.team_name}") response end defp handle_errors({:error, "Slack API returned an error `invalid_auth" <> _ = message}, team), do: reset(team, message) defp handle_errors( {:error, "Slack API returned an error `account_inactive" <> _ = message}, team ), do: reset(team, message) defp handle_errors(response, team) do Logger.warn("UNEXPECTED response from start_link for #{team.team_name}") Logger.warn("#{inspect(response)}") :ignore end defp reset(team, message) do Logger.warn("Starting team #{team.team_name} failed: #{message}") Logger.warn("Deleting this team from DB now...") Repo.delete!(team) :ignore end end
First, we register the Bot Supervisor into the main Elixir Supervisor, which will monitor our
main supervisor. -
The supervision strategy
means that if a child dies, it will be the only one restarted. -
While registering
start_link is called for this Supervisor. After whichinit()
method is called forMyApp.Bot
which callspoll
method which tookdelay
as parameter.poll()
method callsstart_bots
method using Kernel method send. -
method first starts Bots for all the workspaces usingstart_all_bots
finds out all the workspaces in the database and starts individual GenServers for each of them. Also, notice thatbot
is passed as a parameter to GenServer which will usebot.team_name
to initialize the GenServer which will be used to identify if the Workspace is already registered or not. If it is registeredString.to_atom(bot.team_name)
return process information else is undefined and we need to start a process in that case. -
to start Genserver for individual workspaces. -
If we look inside
, we see it has init() which starts the Slack workspace bot using Elixir/Slack start_link method. -
also handled error appropriately. If Slack connection could be established and we have one ofinvalid_auth
status then we delete the workspace info as its invalidated by Slack.
4. Removing Slack workspace
Automatic deletion
This happens when we try to start the Slack app using credentials but Slack responds with
, which means that the auth_token no longer has access to Slack workspace. -
We keep checking if the Slack app for all workspaces are running after 100 milliseconds using the
method. -
When we get
from Slack we simply delete that user's access token from our database. So next time the user has to authorize our app again to make it work. -
This is done using following
method inbot_supervisor.ex
defp reset(team, message) do Logger.warn("Starting team #{team.team_name} failed: #{message}") Logger.warn("Deleting this team from DB now...") Repo.delete!(team) :ignore end
Manual deletion
We do this when a user explicitly asks us to remove the workspace from DB.
We have a UI for displaying the list of Slack workspaces connected to our App, we have given user option to remove the workspace from our App.
Removing Slack workspace involves two things
- Revoke the access token, which will tell Slack to invalidate the access token for the user.
- Delete the access token record from DB.
Once the workspace is removed, the user will need to re-authorize the Slack to grant access to our app.
We have an endpoint like
to remove the record and controller code looks like below:
# web/controllers/slack_controller.ex
def delete(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
current_user = current_user(conn)
bot_setting = Repo.get(BotSetting, id)
if bot_setting do
case BotSetting.get_bot_setting_permission(bot_setting, current_user) do
"write" ->
Logger.warn("Revoking Slack token for team : #{bot_setting.team_name}")
# send `test: 1` as params to test this
Logger.warn("#{inspect(Slack.Web.Auth.revoke(%{token: bot_setting.access_token}))}")
ApplicationHelper.delete_success_message(conn, bot_setting)
"read" ->
ApplicationHelper.permission_denied_message(conn, bot_setting, "delete")
ApplicationHelper.not_found_message(conn, "BotSetting")
We covered how to establish Slack connection and also retain it so that we do not need to request users to authorize our Slack bot again and again. Then we saw how to respond to user requests using regex. Finally, we made sure our Bot was always alive and was fault tolerant.
I would highly appreciate your feedback in case if you spot any improvements to be made.