Aravind Vemula
Full-stack Developer at Kiprosh.com
is now part of
In this tutorial we will setup react native web app locally and deploy on Render. Before we start with the react-native-web setup, I assume that you have installed Node.js, Yarn and react-native-cli on your machine. 1. Setup React Native App with TypescriptTo create react native app you need to run following command react-native init ReactNativeWebApp This command will create react native app and your app directory will look like as shown in the following image (image 1.1) image 1.1: Project rootTo add typescript to our app first we need to install react-native-typescript-transformer yarn add --dev react-native-typescript-transformer typescript
For the past few months at Kiprosh, we've done versions upgrade of multiple mid to large scale Ruby on Rails applications. One of them was running Rails version 3.2.22. That's where we found out that, we need to make a lot of changes in our codebase to run our application on version 4.0. Hence, we thought to write this blog post to share our insights and recommended strategies for upgrading such mid to large Rails applications. upgrading Ruby on RailsRails guides provide us a brief information on how to upgrade the Rails app, but we need to
Recently, our organization planned to migrate an internal application web API to Nodejs web API. We have everything to work on node app, but we were lacking a console where we can run queries and examine results to implement them in our controller or vice-versa. fig 1. Nodejs consoleWhat we have in Ruby on Rails frameworkrails_app $ rails c irb(main):005:0> User.first User Load (0.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 => #<User id: 1, email: "aravind@kiprosh.com"