ember Blogs
Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
In most of the recent frameworks, you must have came across concept called Component. Component has became integral part of JS development these days. Those are independent and reusable bits of code, which make your code looks much more cleaner and maintainable. Here in this article, we will look into “Contextual Component” to write more flexible and expressive interfaces for your components in Ember.js framework. Problem: While working on one of the Ember.js application, we came across a requirement of adding a drop-down in the project. There were already two drop-down components, but they were very tightly coupled
This is part 2 of 'How does Ember Boot?'. If you haven't read 'How does Ember Boot?' part 1 you might consider reading it first. In the last article our main focus was Ember.Application which is sort of static part of Ember boot process. Now we will look into didBecomeReady() and Ember.ApplicationInstance. Which deals with initialization and creation of instances. Ember.Application is called only once but Ember.ApplicationInstance can be n number of times based on number of requests for the instance. In Ember each app instance maintains their own registry/container, so they will
Side Loading Ember Data supports “sideloading” of data; i.e., indicating that data should be retrieved (along with the primary data requested) so as to help multiple related HTTP requests. A common use case is sideloading associated models. For example, each Shop has many groceries, so we can include all related groceries in /shops response: GET /shops { "shops": [ { "id": "14", "groceries": ["98", "99", "112"] } ] } When the groceries association is accessed, Ember Data will issue: GET /groceries?ids[]=98&ids[]=99&ids[]=112 { "groceries&