Rajan Tiwari
Senior Software Engineer at Kiprosh.com
is now part of
In this article, we will explore the evolution of `Product` in Reaction from creation to the final order of the product. We will also explore what all phases a product goes through, all its important fields and their significance.
In this article, we will dive deeper to understand how does React configurations work. We will also see how do things come to action in React which are usually not possible in plain JavaScript?
We recently created a static app using Next.js, React and Netlify. Everything was fine until we stumbled upon 404 error for invalid routes. This page indicates that we do not have any page defined for the route we entered. So as a fallback, Netlify redirects the user to its default 404.html page. Overriding Netlify's default 404.htmlSo you might be wondering if there was a way we could redirect the user to our custom 404 error page? After reading Netlify docs, we see that this can be done by creating a custom 404.html page in our build
Developing Slack Bot in Elixir Phoenix.
Thumbnails becomes inevitable part of the process when dealing with images. They provide us a way to give a peek through the original image which helps in building rich user experience in modern applications. In an internal productivity tool while building this experience, Our whole attachments feature was ready and we had found the only available option in Elixir/Phoenix ecosystem Thumbnex for generating thumbnails. Once we started integrating this library, we almost immediately got hit by following error: ** (ErlangError) Erlang error: :enoent (elixir) lib/system.ex:622: System.cmd("ffprobe", ["-show_format", "/var/folders/
When you make a Slack Bot, Slack provides you with client_id and client_key . Using these , we can authenticate incoming requests to add our Bot to any Slack Workspace. Workspace here means any slack subdomain or a Slack team. Once the incoming Workspace request in authenticated, Slack API provides us with the team access_tokens. Which can be used to access the concerned workspace to listen and respond back in any added channel or DM. While making this Bot, I was a little curious to know if saving the team credentials in our DB for monitoring and responding back
I have been using Ubuntu for most of my development works for a long time. But recently I also started working on a Mac on one of my projects. This was the first time I was using it. Most of the things felt homely but the first thing that caught my attention was, there no auto-complete feature available on the terminal for Git commands. Git is the first step to start working on any project, so this small thing was what I wanted to fix on Mac. I asked few of my fellow Mac using friends but they said it
Ever stuck on a remote server with some file? Needed to upload/download file from remote server? Find FTP clients tedious for a simple file upload/download? Keep reading for one stop solution to all these problems. Many a times I fall in situation where I have to deal with remote servers and just to upload a file I have to open FTP clients and have to leave command line for such a simple task. I always wondered if, there was a command line way of doing simple FTP stuffs. Then few weeks ago I came across transfer.sh. As
Most of the websites nowadays use Web Notification API be it Facebook, Twitter, Flowdock, Slack .... you name it. Ever wondered how does that happen? Wanted to implement it but difficulty and fear of learning curve were driving you away? Let me tell you its just a few lines of code even a beginner can understand and start writing. So do not hesitate start implementing it right away with me. First and foremost we need to check if our browser supports Notification or not. You might be wondering everyone does why should I check it? This is web, you have n
URL previews are a way of organizing the URLs in the textarea in such a way that the URL is visible in a more organized way to the user instead of a just plain link. The plain URL makes no sense most of the time because of the advent of URL shorteners. With the increasing usage of social media websites and social media share plugins it becomes very difficult to identify spammy and non-spammy posts on the internet and with URL previews we could help such websites differentiate on our apps by showing URL previews every time someone shares a