Selenium 4 CDP Integration With Capybara

Let's explore how we can use Chrome Dev Tools Protocols(CDP) with Capybara. We will look at headers, cookies, and cache manipulation using CDP

Manage Rails app secrets with Rails Encrypted Credentials

In your Rails app, manage third-party API tokens and secret access keys with Rails Encrypted Credentials.

Rails 7.1 - Optimizes Active Record batching for whole table iterations

In Rails, Active Record provides batch processing for ActiveRecord::Relation with the in_batches method. In Rails 7.1 the implementation of in_batches has improved to give optimized results for whole table iterations. In this article, we will see how it has improved. Example User.in_batches(of: 3) do |relation| puts relation.to_sql end Before Rails 7.1 Loading development environment (Rails 7.0.4) 3.0.0 :001 > User.in_batches(of: 3) do |relation| 3.0.0 :002 > puts relation.to_sql 3.0.0 :003 > end User Pluck (0.4ms) SELECT

Rails 7.1 adds ActiveRecord::Base::generates_token_for API

Generating special tokens that are unique, tamper proof and that can store information like the purpose of the token and the token's expiry can be very useful in certain scenarios. You can create a unique token for specific purposes like email_verification or password_reset, attach them to your application URL endpoint and send it to the user via email. Up until now, you might have used the ActiveRecord::SignedId API that allows you to create expirable tokens. And you can query ActiveRecord to find the record using the signed id. Consider a scenario where we want to send a

Autoloading pitfalls fixed by Rails 7’s default Zeitwerk mode

Rails 7 onward zeitwerk mode completely replaces classic autoloader thereby resolving the flaws of classic autoloader

How to configure FluentValidation in .NET WebAPI via Dependency Injection?

This blog explains how to wire up FluentValidation with Ninject Dependency Injection.

Rails 7.1 - construct Common Table Expression using .with query method

In Rails 7.1 .with query method makes it super easy to build and chain complex Common Table Expression CTE queries.

Reducing Code Duplication in Swift using fundamentals of programming

Duplication, as the name suggests, is something that exists more than once. The same goes for code duplication. It's code that exists many times in the same codebase. An increase in the codebase, a subsequent rise in code duplication - is this what's happening with you? If yes, then: Have you ever thought about why this happens? The code duplication subsequently increases with time as many developers work simultaneously on similar functionalities in the codebase. Is it a good programming practice? No, because coding works on a fundamental principle called DRY, i.e., Don't Repeat Yourself! We must follow the

Rails 7 adds in_order_of for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods and Enumerable

Quite often in our Rails application, we need to retrieve records sorted in a specific order. For example, in an e-commerce application, we want to retrieve the customer orders in the order of "Completed, Cancelled, In Transit, Pending" statuses. The way to do it is to write an explicit SQL query. Starting Rails 7, this can be achieved simply with the help of the in_order_of method for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods and Enumerable. This article explains how we can use the in_order_of method to sort data in Rails 7. 1. ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#in_order_ofConsider we have a

Embedding of Scenario Outline with Data Table in Cucumber

Let's look at how to reduce the complexity of the automation script by combining the cucumber Data table and the scenario outline.