Shivani Thakur
VP Operations, Lawlytics, India I am a full-stack developer and prefer clean deliveries. I am fearless, honest and vocal about my thoughts.
is now part of
A decade back, a remote retrospective used to happen via conference calls. However, now the trend is changing. Companies are moving towards a remote-friendly environment. Also, because of technology, the world is very well connected now. When we work with remote teams, we feel it might be challenging to conduct a retrospective effectively. However, it is much more comfortable today because we have better video conferencing services, online tools to provide retrospective notes and, collaboration. Some companies work full-time remote while others, like our company, Kiprosh have a partial remote working provision. Hence, there is a fair chance of having
As a tech organisation, we always strive to find suitable talent for available positions, and then move them quickly through the application funnel, from sourcing to hiring. The goal is to onboard a potential candidate as fast as possible. In this endeavor, we decided to automate our recruitment processes so that the overall time to screen, interview and to release an offer is relatively faster. Background Interested candidates apply on our website through careers page. We have a referral program for our associates so it also resulted in wider interest. We also receive direct applications through email on careers@kiprosh.
I personally love this combination of iTerm2 + ZSH + Oh-my-zsh. iTerm2 is an amazing terminal, I always prefer it over macOS default terminal. If you want to install it then just go to iTerm2 site , download it and install. It has many advantages over macOS default terminal. Some of those are, easy finder you can easily search for the text in terminal, nice autocomplete feature, split panes, paste history and many more. I would highly recommend it and you can explore all of its highlighting feature Oh-my-zsh (OMZ) really makes terminal (iterm2) more interesting and useful. You do not need to
When we write code in Imperative programming languages, we make this mistake of considering a procedure as a function many times without realizing it. We keep using word function commonly. Whether the written method is a function or not. If you do not believe me then keep reading this article and you will see that. To start with let's see what is actually a Pure Function and Impure Function Pure Function The pure function always has following: Accepts one or more parameters Each parameter belongs to specific domain Returns a value or Set of values Impure functions If the function
These days Javascript frameworks are part of, most of the development projects. We have to work on various JS frameworks over the period. Having good extensions/plugins added to our editor really makes our life easy and improve developer's development speed. So here I am listing some of the Sublime Text editor packages which are must for JavaScript and JS framework based projects. We use Sublime Text editor in our organization in most of the projects. Generally, people who are working in open source technologies are familiar with Sublime Text editor very well. However, people who are new to open
I have been writing code in Imperative programming languages for many years. Writing code in functional programming is a big shift and change in thinking. As I recently started with Elixir and when I was reading about Functional Programming, I keep reading mention of Lambda Calculus every time. That ignited my curiosity to brush up my computer science knowledge. As Functional programming languages implement Lambda Calculus(λ-calculus). If we understand how Lambda Calculus notation works from Computer Science perspective it will be easier to understand Functional programming. As nowadays most of the languages have implementation of lambda calculus may it
It is always a good practice to keep a check of your code quality and code coverage. Writing test cases for your code is extremely important as that helps you identify any failure before hand. There are many articles about how to write test-case and why we should write etc. However, I would be covering here, how we can integrate Test coverage to Code-climate in your Ember.js app while you are using CircleCI. In todays world most of us use auto-deployment (e.g. tools like CircleCi, Travis CI, Jenkins, Bamboo, Codeship etc.). We would like to get all the
Team Synergy# Team synergy is a very important factor for a successful project and thus organization. Over the years while I worked on various international projects and worked with different individuals I noticed that if we lack team synergy then many things go for a toss. Sometimes it can impact recent or current releases and sometimes it can have a bigger impact across organization. There are many team synergy issues which we come across at workplace. However important is to identify those issues and proactively resolve them rather than just leaving them in limbo. Many times it happens such issues
Recently we had a good Retrospective. I loved the outcome of this retrospective. First we had an Ice breaker session, Empathy Snap followed by PLEASURE AND GAIN retrospective. Empathy Snap Is a nice Ice breaking team building exercise. We did empathy snap for the big hitter + big blow and through this exercise team really came to know, how well they can empathise with each other So it was a nice start, everyone opened up and ready for the retrospective. Joy is not in things; it is in us. PLEASURE AND GAIN retrospective was nice way to see how we can
If you have recently upgraded your Xcode to 7.1 version, you will start getting cordova/CDVViewController.h file not founderror. You would be surprised that earlier build was working perfectly fine with Xcode 6.4 and Xcode 7.0 To fix this error follow these steps: In Xcode select the project and go to Build Settings of the project and the Search for Header Search Path It will show you below shown screen. Double click on the Multiple values row and it will show you a list pop-up now add a new row to this list and add content