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Written by Kiprosh, team of passionate and disciplined craftsmen turning your ideas into reality.
Hooks introduced in React 16.8, allow us to use stateful logic, lifecycle methods, and side-effects in Functional Components. React's official doc on Hooks is the best way to get you started with them. useRef is one such very helpful Hook that returns a mutable ref object having current property initialized with the value passed as the argument. This mutable object's value persists across multiple renders in the lifecycle of the component and can have various applications based on use-cases. In this blog, we'll understand different scenarios in which the useRef Hook can be helpful with the aid of examples.
Whether beginner, intermediate or advanced developer, we all want to achieve our task by developing workable code. We want to accommodate changes soon to ensure efficiency too. But what if we are not too familiar with the IDE? We land up doing things that take much more time & effort than required. Xcode has a wide variety of these shortcuts, so here are some of them which helped us achieve our tasks faster: Move Line Up Command(⌘) + Option(⌥) + [ shifts the selected piece of code upward, to rearrange the current code. Alternatively, we can also use the same shortcut via Editor
In the previous article of the React Design Patterns Basic to Advance series, we became familiar with the Basic Design Patterns which are widely used in React. In this article, we will learn about the various Advanced Design Patterns in React. React design patterns basic to advanceAs a Frontend developer and working on React for several months, one of thetopics I have paid close attention to is Design Patterns. In this article serieson React design patterns, I will share my learnings. This blog is completely about the design patterns which are widely used in Reactapp deve…Kiprosh BlogsShubham JajooAdvanced Design
Authentication is one of the key aspects of many web applications. It is the process of identifying a person before granting them access to the application. It is very important that the authentication approach is secure and easy to use for all users. What is passwordless authentication? Passwordless authentication is a verification process that determines whether an individual is who they claim to be, without coercion. You do not require credentials to log in. All you need is an email address or phone number associated with an account and you will get a magic link or one-time password each time
Most of the time in a web application, a single API request consists of multiple database queries. For example: class DashboardsController < ApplicationController def dashboard @users = User.some_complex_scope.load_async @products = Product.some_complex_scope.load_async @library_files = LibraryFile.some_complex_scope.load_async end end Quoting snippet from load_async PR description from rails repository. The queries are executed synchronously, which mostly isn’t a huge concern. But, as the database grows larger in size, the response time of requests is getting longer. A significant part of the query time is often just I/O waits.
We had previously talked about the Serialization formats and How Serialization is implemented for storing objects in the relational database in the first two parts of the blog series. This article focuses on the various Serializers that prepare and construct API transferable data in Ruby on Rails.
Recently we had a requirement where emails were to be delivered to a specific group of users by switching the provider at run time. In short, we are required to deliver the emails by dynamically selecting a provider and not just through a pre-configured provider. Rails provide these Dynamic Delivery Options to override the SMTP settings per mail. But, if you have an existing application with various mailers, applying delivery_method_options will require updating individual mailer action. In this blog, we'll go through the approaches that will work without modifying any existing mailer actions. Setup Assuming that your default
Vim has a command called :grep (:help :grep), which is used for searching plain text across the project. Internally it uses the *nix grep utility to perform the search. However, the grep utility is very slow, especially for larger projects, which means you might want to use something else like ag (follow the instructions given in the official repo for installation). Understanding :grepWhen we execute let's say :grep text_to_find in Vim, it will look at the value of the option called 'grepprg' (:help 'grepprg'), replace $* with text_to_find, and then pass it to the shell for execution.
When we search for "Android Development in Kotlin," we come across many articles about Getting Rid of NullPointerException, Smart Type Casts, Complete Interoperability With Java, etc.; however, there are a handful of articles that list down advance and handy Kotlin functions. These functions make development simpler & more manageable. Kotlin offers a very concise and intuitive syntax; hence it helps to avoid the boilerplate code. Kotlin's standard library has become powerful with advanced in-built methods. Therefore I thought to pen down the most useful, commonly required, and less talked Kotlin standard library functions. Let's dig deeper and find the hidden
As a Frontend developer and working on React for several months, one of the topics I have paid close attention to is Design Patterns. In this article series on React design patterns, I will share my learnings. This blog is completely about the design patterns which are widely used in React app development. So before diving deep directly into design patterns, we will look into a short introduction of React and JSX. React React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UI from small and isolated pieces of code called Components. Component in React